Why should I learn Go-Lang? What kinda problem is it gonna solved?


3 min read

I decided to learn the Go language So searched for a few of my questions:)

Q.What is Go Langauge?

Go is a programming language that is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language.

(What is statically and dynamically typed language?

Statically typed languages perform type-checking at compile time. Dynamically-typed languages perform type-checking at runtime )

Q.Why do we use Go-lang?

Golang is useful for carrying out programming for scalable servers and large software systems. The Golang programming language was built to fill in the gaps between C++ and Java that Google came across while working with its servers and distributed systems.

Q.What kinda problem is it gonna solve? We have a variety of programming languages, like c++, java why we are not using them instead of GO?

The answer is The Era in which these programming languages are invented and developed that moment server, systems are not as vast as today.

There are many but this is also one of the reasons "Why Go is invented?"

You can solve the problem with Java and C++ but you might fail to take advantage of the available servers, multicore systems, the concurrency.

So to take advantage of All available server, and multicore systems and to implement a highly concurrent great throughput system we use Go Language.

I found an interesting article, you can read it if you want to know "what kind of problems face by Google engineers?"


Q.For what purpose Go language is used?

Go was originally built for programs related to networking and infrastructure. It was intended to replace popular high-performance server-side languages like Java and C++. Today, Go is used for a variety of applications like cloud and server-side applications, DevOps, command line tools, and much more.

Q.What is special about Golang?

Golang benefits programmers and business
It is easy to learn, concise, expressive, and readable. It offers high performance and the ability to run code quickly. It signals incorrect type use errors during compilation. One interesting example which I like most is - let's suppose you import three packages ABC, DEF, GHI, Out of those 3 you just use 2 packages in your program. So if this is the case be alert that your program will generate an error for adding one unused dependency.

That will save you time, and make your code precise and more readable.

Q.Go is a programming language or Scripting Language?

It's a programming language but because of its fast pace nature, people also use it as a scripting language.

Q. List of platform/s built using Go-lang.

Docker, Kubernetes.